This evening marks the beginning of Walpurgisnacht, a German holiday celebrating the life of Saint Walpurga. Walpurga is a nun from Devonshire, England, who is known to have performed great magical feats during and after her life on Earth. Walpurgisnacht is celebrated by witches throughout Europe, and is the anniversary of the Church of Satan. It is the eve of May Day or Beltaine, which is also a European holiday that celebrates the Woman. And astrologically, it is a cross-quarter day between the Vernal Equinox (beginning of Spring) and the Summer Solstice (beginning of Summer). It signifies the fertility of the Earth and tells us it is time to plant seeds in Her. The word "witch" is one that often carries a negative connotation. For most, the work invokes the image of an old, hideous woman, wearing all black with a pointy black hat. She knows "magic" and can make potions to alter people's thoughts and behaviors, as well her surrounding area/environment. The connotation of witch is that she is an evil woman that uses her powers for her own personal gain. She is often seen riding a broomstick, cackling throughout the night sky. Etymology, the study of the origin of words, is a science that is applicable to everything we study throughout life, for it teaches us how to find the denotation, or original meaning of a word. This allows us to have an over- and inner-standing of the concept the word is truly intended to convey. The word "witch" carries the root wit, coming from the Indo European Root weid, which means "to see". A witch is like a prophet, who is like a seer- they are able to see things beyond the surface/physical realm and beyond this present moment. They are able to manipulate the environment, situations, people's minds/actions, etc... because they know the ancient sciences that govern this landmass. The know that they are Lords of the plane made Manifest. Remember, the Lord is the Law, and witches not only know universal principles and law, they ARE the law itself. Today, people's view of a witch may have been altered due to the popularity of so-called New Age, Neo-Pagan faiths such as Wicca and Druid orders. It is not so spooky/scary to the masses, but to the unconscious Moors clouded by dogma, Wiccans and Druids are Evil Pagans that will burn in Hell (there is so much etymologically to break down in that sentence, I will have to do another post on The Cultivated Mind to address this). The purpose of this post is to illuminate what the Europeans tried to hide (who are sorcerers themselves, as they use words to cast spells upon us). We will look at the various practices of witches throughout history, and see that they are truly illuminated, enlightened WISE women (witch and wise carry the same etymological root). They are the healers and oracles that protect the people and the world around them. The are to be honored and revered, not discarded and feared. ![]() In the 90s, there was a great popularity with televisions and movies about witches and the "supernatural" realm. The show "Charmed" is about four witches that come together as a triad to harness the power of three and fight evil demonic entities. They use a book of spells, speak Latin, use roots, and carry magic amulets/charms. Notice how all of the characters are made to have a "dark, alluring" look. That is because they have to acknowledge the melanin within necessary to be a great witch. But they still will not show US as the witches. It is to turn us away from our own culture. Witchcraft, the art of the wise woman, dates back to antiquity. In ancient Moorish communities and families throughout the world, women have used their gifts and powers to uplift their loved ones. In Kemet, wise women were called upon to give clarity and light about situations that were unclear or confusing to members of her community. In Ramesside documents from the site of Deir-el-Medina, reference is made to a 'wise woman' that assists a man in solving the mystery of why his twin boys died soon after birth. He asks what god is responsible for this act. It is likely that he asks because he seeks to invoke an energy to counter that which caused this misfortune. A witch or wise woman would know the perfect combination God names, chants/spells, and correspondences (plants, minerals, metals, etc...) to aid this man and his wife in his time of grief. It is also stated that people of Deir-el-Medina consulted with oracles about many aspects of the lives', including seeking retribution and justice. (Remember that Moors- astrology and cosmology are divine laws and go hand in hand with national principles and common law). Perhaps the most popular positive image of the ancient wise woman/witch are found within the Celtic tradition. The Celts are groups of tribes that domiciled in the British Isles between 700 BC and 100 AD. When people speak of Wiccan practices, they are often referring to the mythology and religious practices. The Celts believed in the Mother Source, and their practices were in reverence to her. Remember, Her is the Moon, the planet of Woman, fertility, and birth. The Celtic calendar has 13 months, which shows they keep time by the Moon's phases. They, as other cultures throughout the world, know the importance of the Moon and Sun in sustaining and producing life- thus, their rituals correspond to their movements. This is not spookism, it is high science and wisdom. It is one that we have lost today due to Inquisition practices (see below). If witches/wise women were revered and honored throughout antiquity, when did they start to be denigrated and denounced as evil? In comes the Inquisition. Initially, Christians did not find conflict with witchcraft because they did not believe that it was real. However, through theological studies, inquisitor manuals, and a series of papal bulls, Christian's attitudes began to shift and deem witches as blasphemers and heretics. In 1484, Pope Innocent VIII, in the bull Summeris desiderantes, officially initiated allowed inquisitors to pursue witches, thus authorizing the first witch hunts. Below is the text of the papal bull itself:
These practices did not stop in Europe. In North America/NorthWest Amexum, we also practiced witchcraft. The Salem witch trials are really a continuation of the Inquisition; the burning of Moorish women at stakes was because they wanted to suppress inner vision- the knowledge of our true past, overstanding present conditions, and seeing/making a way for us to overcome our conditions. We were and still are witches full of great energy, insight, wisdom, and power. We just need to starting "seeing" again. And we need to see with our First Eye. We will gain moor wisdom through the stimulation of our pineal gland. This Walpurgsnacht, let us honor and revere ourSelves as the ancient Moabite wise women that we are. Let us reclaim our Seat upon the Throne as the Lord of this Plane made manifest. Let us heal ourSelves and our families from our conditions- be it regarding health, financial, litigation, relationship, etc... Let us know that WE have the power within US and must invoke it through rituals and exercises. And we must KNOW ourselves to be that which Allah has created us to BE.
7/20/2016 05:09:20 am
Nice information and most power ful for your using you images so keep it up. Thanks you for your post.
Lotus Blu
10/9/2016 11:41:38 am
I love this article. Thank you so much for laboring over and posting it. I've wanted to be a witch for some time now and haven't actually dug into what it meant to be a witch.
Mohalib Al Moroc
6/8/2017 11:06:39 pm
Absolutely Brilliant and on point. This is Confirmation! Thank You
Stokley Narine
6/16/2022 04:43:49 am
Well said
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AuthorMy name is Selah Li-Bey, and I am an educator, astrologer, and lover of nature and life. Archives
January 2017
Oya & Yemoya Astro
This is my astro blog- I choose this name because Yemoya is the orisha-energy that is influenced by the element of Water and the Moon. I am a Cancer Sun with a Scorpio Moon. After years of studying my chart, I have learned how to embrace and work with all my energy. To learn moor about me, select the button below.