According to Black's Law Dictionary (Revised 4th Edition):
"Servant" is synonymous with "employee". Gooden v. Mitchell, Del.Super., 21 A.2d 197, 200, 201, 203, 2 Terry 301; Gibson v. Gillette Motor Transport, Tex.Civ.App., 138 S.W.2d 293, 294. Ten- nessee Valley Appliances v. Rowden, 24 Tenn. App. 487 146 S.W.2d 845, 848. A servant is bound to comply with, be devoted to, conform to, flatter, and be governed by their master. To be a servant is akin to being enslaved. So, who's YOUR master? As a Moor, you should be the master over yourSelf, for in I.S.L.A.M= I Self Law Am Master. Lastly, we can break FREE from our servitude by mastering ourSelves. That is through Astrology. Knowing your astrological makeup will teach you your strengths, weaknesses, and areas that you must MASTER to ascend. “If you would ask me what to study, I would say, yourselves; and when you well have studied them; and then would ask me what to study next, I would reply, yourselves. He who knows well his lower self, knows the illusions of the world, knows of the things that pass away; and he who knows his higher self, know Allah; knows well the things that cannot pass away. Thrice blessed is the man who has made purity and love his very own; he has been ransomed from the perils of the lower self and is himself his higher self.” – Moorish Holy Koran 3:14-16
AuthorMy name is Selah Li-Bey, and I am an educator, astrologer, and lover of nature and life. Archives
January 2017
Oya & Yemoya Astro
This is my astro blog- I choose this name because Yemoya is the orisha-energy that is influenced by the element of Water and the Moon. I am a Cancer Sun with a Scorpio Moon. After years of studying my chart, I have learned how to embrace and work with all my energy. To learn moor about me, select the button below.