So a while ago, someone asked me to do a blog post about Leos. Yes, I know it is Taurus season, and actually, Leo is a square to Taurus. But Leo, just like the Sun, is a source of love and light, which are the keys to life. Thus, it's always Leo-time (especially in their minds). Besides, Everybody Loves the Sunshine. Firstly, Leo is the Lion. The Lion is the Key of the Jungle, meaning he or she is the ultimate leader (nobility is one of Leo's keywords). Leonine energy is powerful and extremely influential. Just look at the current president of the United States of America, Barack Obama. He is a Leo, and his popularity is unrivaled by any other president of the 20th or 21st century. Marcus Garvey is another example. As a precursor to the Moorish Divine and National Movement, Garvey used his power and influence to enlighten Moors to the fact that nationality is order of the day. And women Leos? Halle Berry, Vivica Fox, and the late great Whitney Houston. These women know or knew how to command the attention of a room, whether via the beauty or talent. Overall, the Lion is at its best regal, brave, and dominating and at its worst, domineering, indolent. Sol, the Sun, from a 1550 edition of Guido Bonatti's Liber astronomiae. Leo is affection and passion. It rules the 5th House, which is the house of creativity. Planets in the sign or house indicate the means by which we express the things we love; our pleasures and avocations; courtships; children we bear; and overall, what is beneath our hearts. Pleasures include what is entertaining to us. The Sun in Leo or the 5th House is an expression of God. Remember, God etymologically means to invoke. Therefore, Leo is the Invoker, which we do via our willpower. The Sun (remember, the planet that rules Leo) represents willpower. This is why Leo is considered to be so powerful. Leos are able to direct their energy to manifest that which they will. As an invoker, they are able to bring all the elements together and direct them to operate exactly how the Leo sees fit. This is what makes them the great leaders that they are. The below image is Unelanuhi, the Sun Goddess of the Ani-Yuwiya (Cherokee). She is one of the few Sun goddess in the world pantheon of Sun deities. The Sun is typically identified as a male energy. Leo/5th House represents Creativity- I think of television and radio in particular, as opposed to music (Venus/Libra and Pisces). Mercury in Leo makes me think of dancers, as Mercury is expression and Leo is dramatic. But the most important thing we could possibly create is human life. And thus, Leo and the 5th House also represent children. Planets in the 5th House and in Leo indicate how we show love to our children. It also represents our courtships- those relationships and interactions we have that lead us to have committed relationships (Libra) and ultimately the consummation of marriage (Scorpio), solidifying the union/bond. It's like the old song along: "First comes love (Leo), then comes marriage (Libra), then comes the baby in the baby carriage (Scorpio, as well as Leo again)", and the cycle continues with the birth of another Sun/life. Another key word for Leo is vitality. Leo is sharing, particularly knowledge. Thus, Leo energy represents teaching, speaking publicly, and publishing written works. If Jupiter is in Leo, then one would teach about philosophy, law, and humanitarian principles. If Saturn in Leo is afflicted, it inhibits our ability to share, thus making one unlikely to publish their work or garner the attention of a significant enough audience to truly effectuate change. Think of publications, books, newspapers, periodicals, and the media- these are all friends of Leo. In terms of body, Leo rules the back, spine, and heart. Emotional strain and physical overexertion cause back and spine ailments in Leo people. Any afflictions of the Sun or planets in Leo are would indicate problems with ones' back and spine (think scoliosis), as well as the heart (think of heart disease). Overall, Leo is love and joy; however, be cautious of being bombastic and dogmatic. Leo's are actually one of the most insecure signs because the weight of the world is on their shoulders. They need a great deal of admiration and a person to cater to them; to support them in their highs and lows. Honors to the Leo energy- you are the Sun that brings us the light of vitality. Leo Correspondences
Gemstones: Ruby, Diamond, and Tiger's eye Herb: Rosemary Tarot: Sun; Strength Angel: Verkiel Color: Orange Candle Color: Metal: Gold
There are three key components one must comprehend to read a chart 1) Planets: the planets are energy- each planet puts forth a particular energy. The Sun is will The Moon is emotional response and fecundation Mercury is communication and mental activity Venus is coalition (love and money) Mars is force Jupiter is expansion and growth Saturn is obstruction or discipline (which leads to success) Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are generational planets to addressed in a later post 2) Signs: there are twelve signs, addressed in a previous blog; signs describe how the energy plays out. Please see the blog "Astrological Descriptions" for information about each sign. 3) Houses: the houses are the Earth divided into 12 segments; each segment is ruled by a sign and represents an area of one's life. See below for a description of each house: The key to interpreting a chart is to synthesize the information provided to generate a summarized description of a person, place, thing. This is the tricky part- ironically, it correlates to being a critical thinker and reader, as you must be able to take independent components and put them together to generate a new idea. For example, suppose a person has a Gemini Sun in the 5th House. That would indicate that the person uses the life force energy for entertainment and recreation/entertainment. They would be highly creative, and express themselves through the written word. This is a good placement for a writer of any sorts. If the Sun is trine or sextile Jupiter or Mercury, this would be even more auspicious for a writer- for Jupiter expands and brings benevolence to that which it touches, while Mercury brings great mental activity (making one a great teacher of children). If Mercury is in Leo, it would promise a successful career in publications.
Now, take the same planets, but add negative aspects. The Gemini Sun in the 5th House squaring Jupiter would likely cause one to struggle to become a published writer, although they may have excellent and expressive writing skills. Likewise, with Mercury squaring or opposing the Gemini Sun, a person might have great ideas but struggle to put pen to paper- a perpetual writers' block. As you practice reading your own and others' charts, start with the "Holy Trinity"- that is the position of the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant (AC). Identify the House that the planets are in (Sun and Moon) as well as their zodiac sign. Identify the sign on the cusp of the Ascendant. Analyze how other planets affect the Sun, Moon, and AC. Also, look for areas with a great deal of energies or planets. This is a stellium, and most times, you must actively work to balance that energy. This is why you would want to master the Law of Opposites- if you have a stellium, only focusing on that opposite energy can balance you out. Do this by a) identifying the sign and b) chanting/focusing on angels, stones, colors, etc... that are associated with the opposite sign, or c) think about what that opposite sign represents, find it in your chart (what house does it occupy? any planets in that sign?) and actively work to incorporate more of that energy in your chart. If you have a stellium in Cancer or in the 4th House (home, domestic, roots, family), you need to place more emphasis on Capricorn or the 10th House, which represents work, career, and public acclaim for the success you experience. If you have too much energy in Taurus or the 2nd House, you likely focus too much on material gains for your own personal usage, as opposed to gaining with another person (making you less self-centered/oriented)- this could be a mate, a business partner, or someone in your family with whom you have a deep bond. Astrology is a science of geometry, psychology, mythology, cosmography, and symbology. It is not "spooky" or a "pseudoscience"; it is actually a practice that is prevalent throughout the world in some form or fashion. Holidays are all days honoring astrological, and subsequently agricultural phenomenon. Christmas is literally the "birth of the Sun"- look at the zodiac wheel, and you will note that the Sun sits at the bottom of the wheel on the night of December 21st, the winter solstice where it dies or hides, immobile for three days and three nights. Yet he is reborn the morning of December 25. Easter is a holiday honoring Eostre, or Astarte, or Ashteroth...all correlating to Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, and the planet of love. Easter came out of an Anglo-Saxon celebration of the spring equinox. And it coincides with Passover (Judaism). Now Easter occurs after the first full moon in Spring, which is naturally Libra, who home in Venus. Honestly, astrology is everywhere; I say it is the only religion, as all religious holidays and festivals and even narratives include astrology in some capacity. And as Baba Oduno says, "there is no culture without agriculture." I encourage everyone to study their chart; then look at your loved ones- it can help you better your relationships and place you in the natural rhythm of the universe. There is not such thing as a fatal star placement- there are unfortunate signs that manifest via our past life experiences (see Max Heindel)...yet, we can always use what the universe gives us to better ourselves. This is what the power of astrology delve in with patience and a keen eye. Peace and love, SB Islam and Greetings, I know it has been a while since my last post; I have been putting a great deal of energy and focus towards my latest etymology projects: a) EtymologyRules, my etymology website with lessons, activities, and blog postings, and b) my etymology book. However, my love and passion of astrology has not diminished. If anything, etymology helps me to write better chart readings, as I am able to choose the most appropriate words to give a concise and clear interpretation that will truly benefit the reader. Today's blog posting will be brief, but I want to get back in the swing of posting more consistently. Firstly, it's TAURUS! I love this time of the year; probably because of all my Scorpio energy. It gives me the chance to balance out the depths of the waters of Scorpio and its ephemeral nature and stand on solid ground. Firm and consistent, Taurus is the wing beneath my wings; or rather, the soil beneath my feet. We plant seeds of life in Aries; they take root during Taurus. No denying the persistent, tenacious nature of this Earth sign, at its best; at its worst, Taurus is obstinate, rigid, unyielding, and unrelenting. This is mostly motivated by a fear of lack, as the 2nd House represents our possessions. Taurus needs his material needs met- he demands food, clothing, and shelter, and without it, he can turn to be a cold and distant brute. But have no fear; Taurus is ruled by the planet of Love. So revel in this time period and remember that the love of money is the root of all evil, and that we must love and value our Selves first. And it is Day 13 of the Bull- Venus + 13 is the Moon and the Star- the symbol of Islam (see picture below: Chicago Daily Tribute, 12/19/1925). Remember, 13 is the Moon, as there 13 moon cycles in a year. And there will be a Friday the 13th during Taurus season. An auspicious day for ritualizing indeed. Taurus rules the throat and the voice- express yourself! It is how you value yourself. The planets on in the 2nd House and the sign on the 2nd House cusp indicates your possessions, how you value them, and how you feel about yourself. In the developmental path of human's life, it represents learning what is "mine" and using what one owns. It represents one's sense of taste and values. The 2nd House is the House of Possessions- what you own (except house and home- but it does include cars, furniture, clothing, moveable property, investments, and securities), Throughout the house, it indicates how you gain and you spend as well, and your general attitude towards wealth and material possessions. Your potential for accumulating wealth and material is also indicated by the aspects, signs, and planets in the house. Saturn, for example squaring the Moon would indicate one who is not wise with their finances- in fact, they likely spend by how they feel. It would obstruct gaining and spending finances. However, Jupiter and Venus are great signs, especially trine or sextile the Sun. This brings finance and also allows one to spend wisely and benevolently.
Keywords possessions, values, self-worth, self-esteem Gemstone emerald and rose quartz (Venus) Color Green (Venus) Angel Asmodel |
AuthorMy name is Selah Li-Bey, and I am an educator, astrologer, and lover of nature and life. Archives
January 2017
Oya & Yemoya Astro
This is my astro blog- I choose this name because Yemoya is the orisha-energy that is influenced by the element of Water and the Moon. I am a Cancer Sun with a Scorpio Moon. After years of studying my chart, I have learned how to embrace and work with all my energy. To learn moor about me, select the button below.