So a while ago, someone asked me to do a blog post about Leos. Yes, I know it is Taurus season, and actually, Leo is a square to Taurus. But Leo, just like the Sun, is a source of love and light, which are the keys to life. Thus, it's always Leo-time (especially in their minds). Besides, Everybody Loves the Sunshine. Firstly, Leo is the Lion. The Lion is the Key of the Jungle, meaning he or she is the ultimate leader (nobility is one of Leo's keywords). Leonine energy is powerful and extremely influential. Just look at the current president of the United States of America, Barack Obama. He is a Leo, and his popularity is unrivaled by any other president of the 20th or 21st century. Marcus Garvey is another example. As a precursor to the Moorish Divine and National Movement, Garvey used his power and influence to enlighten Moors to the fact that nationality is order of the day. And women Leos? Halle Berry, Vivica Fox, and the late great Whitney Houston. These women know or knew how to command the attention of a room, whether via the beauty or talent. Overall, the Lion is at its best regal, brave, and dominating and at its worst, domineering, indolent. Sol, the Sun, from a 1550 edition of Guido Bonatti's Liber astronomiae. Leo is affection and passion. It rules the 5th House, which is the house of creativity. Planets in the sign or house indicate the means by which we express the things we love; our pleasures and avocations; courtships; children we bear; and overall, what is beneath our hearts. Pleasures include what is entertaining to us. The Sun in Leo or the 5th House is an expression of God. Remember, God etymologically means to invoke. Therefore, Leo is the Invoker, which we do via our willpower. The Sun (remember, the planet that rules Leo) represents willpower. This is why Leo is considered to be so powerful. Leos are able to direct their energy to manifest that which they will. As an invoker, they are able to bring all the elements together and direct them to operate exactly how the Leo sees fit. This is what makes them the great leaders that they are. The below image is Unelanuhi, the Sun Goddess of the Ani-Yuwiya (Cherokee). She is one of the few Sun goddess in the world pantheon of Sun deities. The Sun is typically identified as a male energy. Leo/5th House represents Creativity- I think of television and radio in particular, as opposed to music (Venus/Libra and Pisces). Mercury in Leo makes me think of dancers, as Mercury is expression and Leo is dramatic. But the most important thing we could possibly create is human life. And thus, Leo and the 5th House also represent children. Planets in the 5th House and in Leo indicate how we show love to our children. It also represents our courtships- those relationships and interactions we have that lead us to have committed relationships (Libra) and ultimately the consummation of marriage (Scorpio), solidifying the union/bond. It's like the old song along: "First comes love (Leo), then comes marriage (Libra), then comes the baby in the baby carriage (Scorpio, as well as Leo again)", and the cycle continues with the birth of another Sun/life. Another key word for Leo is vitality. Leo is sharing, particularly knowledge. Thus, Leo energy represents teaching, speaking publicly, and publishing written works. If Jupiter is in Leo, then one would teach about philosophy, law, and humanitarian principles. If Saturn in Leo is afflicted, it inhibits our ability to share, thus making one unlikely to publish their work or garner the attention of a significant enough audience to truly effectuate change. Think of publications, books, newspapers, periodicals, and the media- these are all friends of Leo. In terms of body, Leo rules the back, spine, and heart. Emotional strain and physical overexertion cause back and spine ailments in Leo people. Any afflictions of the Sun or planets in Leo are would indicate problems with ones' back and spine (think scoliosis), as well as the heart (think of heart disease). Overall, Leo is love and joy; however, be cautious of being bombastic and dogmatic. Leo's are actually one of the most insecure signs because the weight of the world is on their shoulders. They need a great deal of admiration and a person to cater to them; to support them in their highs and lows. Honors to the Leo energy- you are the Sun that brings us the light of vitality. Leo Correspondences
Gemstones: Ruby, Diamond, and Tiger's eye Herb: Rosemary Tarot: Sun; Strength Angel: Verkiel Color: Orange Candle Color: Metal: Gold
7/20/2016 04:52:59 am
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AuthorMy name is Selah Li-Bey, and I am an educator, astrologer, and lover of nature and life. Archives
January 2017
Oya & Yemoya Astro
This is my astro blog- I choose this name because Yemoya is the orisha-energy that is influenced by the element of Water and the Moon. I am a Cancer Sun with a Scorpio Moon. After years of studying my chart, I have learned how to embrace and work with all my energy. To learn moor about me, select the button below.