Uranus is retrograde- this is day number 7::from 7/17-12/17, we will experience its affects. That is 5 months...one month per principle- LOV.TRUTH.PEACE.FREEDOM.JUSTICE...5 pointed star::reach a portal to a new cycle::never-ending...Allah is INfinite. ISLAM ![]() Mercury is out of the retrograde- so communication issues, short distance travels, car problems, memory issues, school- all these are beginning to straighten themSelves out. However, we are still in the shadow until July 31st. Today is the last day of the strong shadow- what does this means? A retrograde is when a planet or luminary body appears to be traveling backwards through the sky. It is actually that planet moving faster than the Earth, but in the same rotation. Thus, Mercury appears to retrograde when it moves quickly thru the part of its orbit that is closest to the Earth. Once it reaches the side furtherest from the Earth, apparent retrograde motion begins. "Going direct" means that the planet begins to appear to be traveling in the same direction as the Earth- once again. However, as recorded on an ephemeris (an astrological calendar), the degrees of said planet have been moving backwards; thus, they will have to begin moving forward from the point at which they began moving backwards. For example, if a planet goes retrograde at 27° Aries and goes direct at 13° Aries, it must reach 27° to be totally out of the effects of the retrograde. This is called a shadow. Right now, we are in the last week of the shadow of Mercury's retrograde. We are also experiencing Uranus retrograde (as of July 17). These two energies are partners- Mercury is quick wit and communication, while Uranus is fresh inspiration and insight regarding humanity. Mercury affected our thinking and the way we relate to others- it gave us a taste of what we about to experience with Uranus. Uranus is represented as technological advances, innovation, social justice movements, etc... Aquarius is the Lord of Uranus- we just left an Aquarius Full Moon, and have entered (or are approaching) the Age of Aquarius. Destruction. Upheaval; all for the sake of laying the foundation for truth and justice. How about this::Detroit FIles for Bankruptcy on July 18, 2013. And so it begins... and KNOW that this is JUST the beginning. Be on the look out for Moor city bankruptcies. And ask yourSelf- how can a municipality file for bankruptcy? Is that not reserved for corporations? And persons? Moors, put your trust into the Moorish Divine and National Movement. You must place yourSelves back into proper status as a National. And a National needs a Nationality. Black is not a Nationality. African is not a Nationality. Check the records. Noble Drew Ali registered the Moors as a Nationality in 1913. 100 years later, some of us are JUST waking up. And it's OKAY. Just WAKE UP and BE ACTIVE. Declare your NATIONALITY. This is the key to reaL LOV::know thy SELF:: To learn Moor of the truth about Nationality and Birth Rights, check the links below: The Holy Moorish Emporium Aseer the Duke of Tiers RV Bey Publications Moorish Civiletter Civil Alert Rising CanaanLand Moors Alim Bey As always, you must know your personal chart to innerstand how Uranus and Mercury affect your own life. Select the Services/Compensation Tab for a reading. Lov n light, Selah
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AuthorMy name is Selah Li-Bey, and I am an educator, astrologer, and lover of nature and life. Archives
January 2017
Oya & Yemoya Astro
This is my astro blog- I choose this name because Yemoya is the orisha-energy that is influenced by the element of Water and the Moon. I am a Cancer Sun with a Scorpio Moon. After years of studying my chart, I have learned how to embrace and work with all my energy. To learn moor about me, select the button below.