I believe the children are our future. How fitting! Today is the SoLaR ReTurN of one of the greatest of all times: ::Ms. Whitney Houston:: (Allah bliss to the dead). Although she has transitioned, let us still honor this sistar in lov n light, as she continues her journeys on the soul plane. No surprise to me, Ms. Whitney is a Leo. A Leo woman screams either DIVA or Queen in her everyday walk, talk, and dress. This woman is FLY. She is REGAL. She is DIGNIFIED. And she has NO PROBLEM being in the spotlight. Yeeeeeees honey, she lived her life as a tru Lioness... So where does all the drugs and murder (because YES, my siSTAR was assassinated)? I looked at the Queen's chart and it was a Dead give away. Her Rising Sign is Pisces, which means the energy of Hidden Enemies and Sorrow rule her chart. That is quite evident. However, her Moon and Jupiter are in the 1st House in Aries. These are benefic planets in the House of Ego. Not to mention, Aries intercepted is at Home. Yes, we Know Ms. Whitney had an Ego. But she was talented and had much reason to celebrate that Ego. And since Pisces also represents mysticism and spiritual purity (as well as music), Her Music, which is Her Energy placed us on a Higher Level- we felt at peace listening to Her Music. We entered the Heavens when she sang. Perhaps Ms.Whitney herself was an angEL (hmmm...The Preacher's Wife? Role Reversal to throw us off?). Either way, she had the voice of an Angel::and that is why we all lov her.
So What Happened? She let the fame get to her. Her Mars is in the 7th House (House of Partnerships), so there is war and danger in that area. Like she let her Ego drive her decisions regarding her Lov and Business Partners. Uranus on the Cusp of the 7th House brings sudden, destructive energy to her through her partnerships. And where is Aquarius, the energy akin to Uranus? In the 12th House. House of Sorrow. Hidden Enemies. Drugs. Alcohol. But also Spiritual and Etheric Existence and Perfection. Just depends on which way you decide to go. Neptune in the 8th House. In Scorpio (which also is death and deep seated jealous and vindictive energy). House of Death. So Sorrow, Drugs, and Hidden Enemies linked to her lov and business partner lead her to her own death?? It was IN THE STARS for her to MEET BOBBY BROWN AND BECOME A DRUG ADDICT. And that is what killed her! But Ms. Whitney was/is a fighter. She was/is very passionate. You can hear it in her singing. Like she is giving you all her Heart. And Ms. Whitney ALSO had a mission(N.Node) - she told us straight up in "The Greatest Love of All". She knew the children (Leo) were the future (Uranus). They are the ones to bring an end to the madness that we are now experiencing. A Sudden Change- Destroying the Status Quo. Remember, Scorpio is also transformation. Ms.Whitney told us: the children will regenerate this world, and prepare us ALL for a better future. Ms.Whitney came here to show us the stark contradiction of this life: one can be VIBRANT, with a BEAUTIFUL MIND, BODY, and SOUL. But living HERE on EARTH, we are distracted and susceptible to LOW VIBRATIONS of FEAR and SORROW, which brings JEALOUSY, HATE, DRUGS, and ENEMIES. I am a teacher by trade. It's in my chart- that's a whole 'nother discussion. However, I know it is my mission to teach these children. We are manifesting NEW Beings. BeyonD the CrYsTaL children. I have No Name for them yet. But they are comin' here with EYES WIDE OPENED. They know the deal. And we keep tryna HOLD THEM DOWN and TAKE AWAY the GOD in THEM. It's sick. We need to heed the words of Ms. Whitney, who served as a member of Allah's AngeLic tribe- she was/is an example of what we can BE and what we must OVERCOME...in the most crude way. I believe the children are the future...teach them well and let them lead the way. Lov n light Ms. Whitney Houston. Respect, and I WILL uphold this creed- u did not come here in vain. Selah Bey
1 Comment
7/23/2016 05:34:19 am
Fascinating online journal. You should can give more insights about it. Much obliged to you.
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AuthorMy name is Selah Li-Bey, and I am an educator, astrologer, and lover of nature and life. Archives
January 2017
Oya & Yemoya Astro
This is my astro blog- I choose this name because Yemoya is the orisha-energy that is influenced by the element of Water and the Moon. I am a Cancer Sun with a Scorpio Moon. After years of studying my chart, I have learned how to embrace and work with all my energy. To learn moor about me, select the button below.