ISLAM to all: Today I am going to describe the astrological climate of July 2, 2013, and teach about a couple major aspects that can exist in one's chart. So without further adieu, let's go in: ASPECTS - An aspect is a description of how two planets/luminary bodies interrelate to one another. This is based on a geometrical measurement. Since the natal wheel is a circle, planet placements create angles (aka ANGELS) that bear influence on your at the time of your birth.
trines in their chart may be lazy because things come easy to them. This is because they have put in WORK in this area in their past life. The drawback is that they have difficulty in areas that require extra effort. ![]() Here are moor examples: With Sun in Scorpio and their Saturn is in Scorpio, the planets are conjunct. Conjunctions are generally harmonious energy, depending on the planets.
frustration in your chart. In this example, the Moon (soul, emotion) is motivated by passion, while Jupiter (benevolence and abundance) is emotion-driven. Squares bring out the lower energies of that particular sign and/or planet.
inner regeneration, while Mercury (the mind) is focused on building for the exterior by acquiring material goods. Oppositions represent the areas where you worked to create harmony in your past life. You are here to continue, and your good work has been rewarded with balancing energies. The closer the degrees are to one another, the stronger the affects of the aspect. A perfect aspect would have the same degree. ![]() Why is this important? Today, we experienced squares between the following- 1) Sun square Uranus: (Sun in Cancer, Uranus in Aries) - The Sun represents the overall surface energy. Cancerian energy is nurturing in that we are tending to our ideas in the garden of our minds. In its lower energies, Cancer manifests as moody and irritable. It can be stagnant due to it's changeable nature. It can be brooding and akin to an overprotective parent, which causes your ideas to suffocate. - Uranus represents destroying that which is antiquated for preparation of new, fresh, and innovative ideas. I liken Uranus to the Mission of the Moors: to UpLift Fallen Humanity. Uranus is about social uplift (or upheaval); in Aries, we feel like initiating a revolution in some sense. **The conflict: Uranus is ready to go go go, let's make moves and make change, blow the WHOLE thing UP, while the Sun says- take your time or I will not allow your innovative ideas take root. So although we feel the urge to start things, we must not force it, but rather nurture and carefully take the proper steps at the proper time.** 2) Sun oppose Pluto: (Pluto in Capricorn) - This is a perfect opposition at 10°. This gives us balance. I like this placement because Pluto, which is our inner psyche (where we hold our past pains that we must release) is being disciplined to really look within and do the work that is required for inner transformation. By doing this, we can alleviate the brooding and sulking energy that Cancer can bring. 3) Jupiter trine Neptune (Jupiter in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces) - Some relief given to us: we will receive wealth (Jupiter) when we are giving to others. And that wealth will come in the form of spiritual insight (Neptune at home in Pisces). This is a good time to consult psychics, oracles, etc... Also, pay attention to your dreams, which is where you will receive the spiritual insight. This is a time of creativity, particularly with regards to musik. Of course, it's best to know where the planets lay in your chart to innerstand how the current energies are affecting you. E-mail [email protected] for a consultation or to schedule a reading. Lov n light, SB
7/2/2013 11:10:01 am
do u do dream interpretation?
Selah Bey
7/3/2013 03:03:40 pm
yes ma'am- u can e-mail me at [email protected] or call my cell (lemme kno if u don't hav it)...
7/23/2016 05:27:12 am
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AuthorMy name is Selah Li-Bey, and I am an educator, astrologer, and lover of nature and life. Archives
January 2017
Oya & Yemoya Astro
This is my astro blog- I choose this name because Yemoya is the orisha-energy that is influenced by the element of Water and the Moon. I am a Cancer Sun with a Scorpio Moon. After years of studying my chart, I have learned how to embrace and work with all my energy. To learn moor about me, select the button below.